April 2011 – Pickled for posterity.

I really struggled to pick a poster that aptly summarised my movie-going month. Should I pick Killing Bono or Thor? Both of which were movies that I enjoyed hugely at the cinema this month. In the end, however, it could only ever really be one, a film that I have been (im)patiently been waiting for for what seems like ever. Scre4m.

That said, it hasn’t seemed like a particularly busy month – a fact that quickly boggles the mind when you consider all that has happened this April. Celebrating April Fools’ Day with HeyUGuys, I screened the previous year’s news for storys I wished has been just that, a joke. For Best for Film I listed the current superhero movies in various stages of reimagining in a attempt to decide whether the current retcon culture has gotten out of hand. More recently, I used a backlog of cinematic marriages to postulate a Royal Wedding of some interest, in which there might be a little drama to offset the endless praying. For my own blog, I once again collaborated with alongcameaginge in a bid to settle the dispute of the Crystal Skull once and for all.

At the cinema I loved Killing Bono, found relief in Scream 4 and thoroughly enjoyed Thor in 3D. I was appalled by Sucker Punch, bemused (not in a good way) by Source Code and thoroughly bored by Winnie the Pooh. It was Fast Five and Tomorrow, When the War Began that proved the biggest surprises, one because of how much fun it proved to be and the other simply because I’d never heard of it before.

I continued to digress from movies for Oh Yeah Me Too, for whom I penned a guide to “manning up” and comprised a checklist of the people you will encounter on a sunny day. I was consistently brought back to the big screen by exciting movie news, however, as Cabin in the Woods edged ever closer to release, filming began on The Avengers and the first trailer for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part: II was released in all its ZOMG glory.

Despite a day of work experience at The Courier offices in Dundee, however, I leave this month much as I started it: a poorly paid guest assistant. With Cannes now just around the corner, I can only hope that May is a month of bigger things.

I ended this month, then, the same way I have ended every other month this year. Now onto the fourth instalment in the James Bond franchise, blogalongabond is back with April’s edition: Thunderball.

Film of the month: Scre4m

About popcornaddiction
I am a psychology graduate, a News Writer for HeyUGuys/BestforFilm and, most importantly, a hopeless popcorn addict.

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